WHVPHA 2025 Show Season Recorded Horses
(Last Updated 4 Jan 2025)





























1570 A Chance at Glory, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
1672 A La Mode, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2730 A Little Bit O Lovin, Jody Moraski
2464 A Momentary Springtime, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1839 About Time, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
2512 Ain't Misbehaving, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1987 Alaska, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1741 All In The Family, Christine Higgins-Barricella - 09/30/24
2526 Alme, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
1449 Almond Joy, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
2282 Always In Hot Irons, Ryann McElroy
1838 American Pie, Betsy Carswell - 11/22/24
2220 Aperion, Christine Higgins-Barricella - 09/30/24
2043 April Showers, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
2390 Are You Kidding Me?, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1817 Ari, Brad Whitmire - 10/13/24
2541 Art I Regal, Rozalyn Passante
1670 Art in Motion, Crystal Caban - 11/16/24
1702 Ashland's Essance of Gold, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2705 Atajo, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2176 Athena, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2344 Auden, Susie Bagnato - 12/12/24
2262 August Rush, Makayla Cormier - 11/16/24
1270 Babalou, Brad Whitmire - 10/13/24
1316 Bam Bam, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1816 Baron, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
1484 Be My Valentine, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2717 Beaverwood's Peppermint, Emerson Schlosser
1463 Bedazzled, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1707 Bellacor, Christine Higgins-Barricella - 09/30/24
1532 Benedetto, Brad Whitmire - 10/13/24
2571 Bent Out Of Shape, Emma Deloughery - 11/16/24
2362 Bentoutashape, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1930 Big Deal, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2724 Biserno, Sara Pezza
1436 Black Tie Affair, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2194 Black Tie Affair, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
2265 Blank Canvas, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2676 Blazing Swagger, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2527 Blisstering Son, Laura Ossman - 10/24/24
2087 Blowing Bubbles, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1818 Blue, Brad Whitmire - 10/13/24
1451 Blue Willow, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
2308 Body Painting, Scarlett Phillips - 12/08/24
2339 Boots, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
1583 Border Patrol, Lisa Jaggars - 10/13/24
2524 Brady, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
1364 Braveheart Blakesly, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
1308 Braveheart Mohr, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
2726 Bristol, Harper Ryder
1797 Brooklyn Bound, Delores Basilone - 12/08/24
1425 Buster Brown Buddy, Christine Higgins-Barricella - 09/30/24
2435 Capstones Maleficent, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1290 Capture the Moment, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
2066 Caribean Martini, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
1710 Carriot, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
2520 Castelmagno, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1958 Celtic Mist, Barbara Whyte - 09/17/24
2617 Celtic Prince, Scarlett Phillips
2699 Celtic Shimmer, Barbara Whyte - 09/17/24
2564 Centurion, Makayla Cormier
1656 Champlain Bella, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
2401 Chaparral VDL, Makayla Cormier - 11/16/24
2021 Chase the Clouds, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
2283 Chasing Someday, Lisa Jaggars - 10/13/24
1504 Chief Investgator, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
1527 Chief Investigator, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2259 Chill Zone, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1288 China Doll, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
1953 Chit Chat, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1481 Chutes And Ladders, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
2195 Cinnamon, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1681 Cisco, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
1651 Close To Home, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2586 Cloud 9, Bethany Zylstra - 09/30/24
1940 Coconut Bay, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2718 Cocovina, Abigail Johns
1680 Color in the Lines, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
2496 Colorcoded, Christine Higgins-Barricella - 09/30/24
2733 Colpo Di Maestro Z, Izabel Fugman
2723 Colvino, Nola Jones
2487 Connect the Dots, Bethany Zylstra - 09/30/24
1496 Cookies and Cream, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1740 cool kid, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1854 Cooperstone, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
2646 Coppertown, Kristina Blakesley - 11/22/24
2581 Cote D'Azure, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1253 Count Me In, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1844 Crack The Code, Debbie Norris
2644 D'or, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
2566 D.T. One, Makayla Cormier - 11/16/24
2577 Daddys Last Dollar, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2561 Daddys Paycheck, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1418 Daisy, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
2287 Daisy Duke, Bethany Zylstra
1382 Dallas, Monica Rauschenbach - 12/09/24
1955 Damascus, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2208 Denarius, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2463 Diacarth Z, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1534 Diamond Chip, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
1649 Diesel, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
2480 Diggin For Gold, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2514 Dignified N Cool, Reagan Ford - 10/13/24
1937 Dillashaw, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2621 Dolce Ragrazzo, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1792 Dr Suess, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1589 Dream Date, Monica Rauschenbach - 12/09/24
2323 DT One, Moira K. Roberts - 11/16/24
2630 Dublin, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
1255 Eagle Scout, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2281 Ecce-equus AFP, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
2465 Embassy Suit, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2608 Endgame
1806 Entitled, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2658 Epiphany, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1352 Equinox, Christine Higgins-Barricella - 09/30/24
1763 Ever After, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
2028 Evermore, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1380 Ezmarelda, Christine Higgins-Barricella - 09/30/24
2573 Face the Wheel, Laura Ossman - 10/24/24
1983 Face Value, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
1390 Family Guy, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1285 Fashion Bug, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1491 Field Of Dreams, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
2525 Final Destination, Bethany Zylstra - 09/30/24
1362 Finesse, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
2006 First Frost, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2580 Fish Stix, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
2690 For Keeps, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2508 Forget Me Not, Laura Ossman - 10/24/24
2174 Fortune Teller, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2721 Fortunes Floris, Delaney Rieber
1717 French Accent, Crystal Caban - 11/16/24
2590 FRF Vienna Waltz, Kristin M. Harris - 11/16/24
1810 Frozen, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2666 Gatsby, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
1788 Georgia, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
2466 Gershwin, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2500 Glenridge Fancy That, Avery Mendrzycki - 12/08/24
2558 Glenridge Mischievious, Avery Mendrzycki
1842 Glitter, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
2703 Go Go Squeeze, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2735 Golden Cloud, Darrah Coon
1345 Golden Nugget, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1843 Good Deed, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
2008 Good Will, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1777 Got Milk, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
2689 gotta catch 'em all, Birdie Rogowski - 10/13/24
2371 Grace Lightning, Harper Eggleton
2530 Grei Goose, Mia Powell
1259 Greystone's Blue Denim, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1780 Greystone's Domino, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1793 Greystone's Guess Who, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
1809 Greystone's Monopoly, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2674 Greystone's Star Bright, Sadie Zylstra - 09/30/24
2212 Greystone's Starburst, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1939 Greystones Full Bloom, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1950 Greystones Spring Fling, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2515 Guilty as a Jailbird, Isabella DiGregorio
2570 Halladay, Jessica Williams - 11/16/24
2007 Halo, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2647 HAPPY GO LUCKY, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1318 Harmony Acres Holiday, Deb Lindeman-Mayer - 10/05/24
1325 Harmony Ever After, Deb Lindeman-Mayer - 10/05/24
1328 Have Mercy, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
1596 Hey Mikey, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
2706 Hey Siri, Allison Costa - 11/16/24
1572 Hickory Hills Panosh, Deb Lindeman-Mayer - 10/05/24
2538 Highlands Make Believe, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2656 Highway Hippie Man, Haley Hahn
2117 Hollandio, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
1354 Hop Scotch, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1714 Hopes N Dreams, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1711 Hot on Top, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
1659 House Party, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2623 How U Doin', Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1705 I Smart, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1351 I Think I Can, Christine Higgins-Barricella - 09/30/24
2626 Iconic, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2384 Ideal Blue Jeans, Erin Hankins
2651 Instant Gratification, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2734 Irish Phantom, Nicole Peters
1291 Iron Man, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
1359 Island Paradise, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
1802 Isle of Skye, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
1292 Issac, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
1833 Its About Time, Malinda Ferko - 09/17/24
2437 Jett, Arwyn Alas-Corpuz
1759 Jiffy Pop, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
2103 Joey, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
2579 Jungle King, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
1460 keep A Secret, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1907 Kernal Pop, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1883 KT Tamara, Jamie Mohr
1960 Lady Hollywood, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
2120 Lands End Frittilory, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1591 Larredo, Brad Whitmire - 10/13/24
1441 Later Gator, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2143 Liberatchi, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2392 Life is Good, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2206 Lightnin Cat, Moira K. Roberts - 11/16/24
1574 Like No Other, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2692 Lillian, Christine Higgins-Barricella - 09/30/24
1977 Limelight, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1655 Linus, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
1932 Lottie Dottie, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
2712 Lulu Lemon, Jessica Williams
2671 Lululemon, Delores Basilone - 12/08/24
2677 Luna, Jessica Williams - 11/16/24
1963 Maggie, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
2652 Magic, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1727 Marco, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
1796 Martini, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
1459 Master Gene, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1565 max, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
1615 Maybe Someday, Lisa Jaggars - 10/13/24
2004 Mercy Me, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
1855 Mike N Ike, Mia Bagnato - 12/12/24
1778 Milo, Bethany Zylstra - 09/30/24
2397 Mischief Maker, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1627 Miss Daisy, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
1467 Miss Sassy Pants, Christine Higgins-Barricella
1988 Mistletoe, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1379 Mocha Irish Creme, Christine Higgins-Barricella - 09/30/24
1588 Moment to Remember, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2715 Moments of Brillance, Louisa Wood
2088 Montana, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1633 Morton's Hywen, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
2728 Motown, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2691 Mr. Churchill, Christine Higgins-Barricella
2695 Mr. President, Rylee Speacht - 09/17/24
2716 Ms. West, Christine Higgins-Barricella
2697 MT Party in Paris, Allison Costa
2660 My Cheddar Half, Avery Rogowski - 10/13/24
1873 My Kid Brother, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1999 My New Best Friend, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1938 Night Light, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1508 no nombre, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
1331 Normandy, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
2067 Odyssey Renaissance, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1489 Okie Dokie, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2701 ONE DASH OF LIME, Milana Rykaczewski
1381 One Song, Brad Whitmire - 10/13/24
2022 Orchard hills double gold, Mia Bagnato - 12/12/24
1986 Orchard Hills So Fine, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1327 Original Art, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
2714 Orlando, Rebecca Jacobson
2657 Osh Kosh B'Gosh, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2619 Painted Destiny, Gabriella Wenz
2382 Panda, Debbie Norris
2089 Patrick Star, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
1617 Pegasus, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
2069 Pick Me Up, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2702 Picture Perfect, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2484 Pixel Perfect, Emerson Schlosser - 11/16/24
2315 Playboy, Juliet Charkin - 09/17/24
2394 Popcorn, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2710 Pot O' Gold, Madison Radici
1758 Preston, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
1286 Pretty Penny, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2713 Pretty Perfect, Winnie Caban
2035 Princess Buttercup, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1465 Providence, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1644 Pure Platinum, Mia Bagnato
2156 Purple Reign, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
2569 Push Over, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2540 Queen Bee, Bethany Zylstra
2670 Quinlan's Only Ivan, Danielle Moraski
2560 Quite Unique, Barbara Whyte - 09/17/24
2678 Ravenspurn, Alexis Taylor
2227 Reagan, Debbie Norris
2609 Reddigraffi, Sara Pezza
1746 Reign, Brad Whitmire - 10/13/24
1751 Reilly, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
1725 Remember When, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
2719 Renaissance Man, Arianna Hall
2146 Riverside Drive, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1631 Rocco, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
2175 Rock My World, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2683 Rocky Road, Bethany Zylstra
2383 Rocky Road, Avery Rogowski - 10/13/24
1343 Rollingwood Lost In Space, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2116 Romeo, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
2231 Sandsation, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2518 Say Cheese, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2068 Say Yes, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2700 Scamander, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2502 Schokolade Sea, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2736 See Spot Run, JoAna Koehler
2040 Shine Time, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1993 Show Me the Way, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1957 Sign of Times, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1766 Siros, Rachael Bacha
1607 Sit It Out or Dance, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
1332 Skylar, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
1284 Sleeping Beauty, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2522 Smart Little Big Man, Haley Hahn - 12/08/24
1738 Smidgen, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2708 Smooth Criminal, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2036 Snickers, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
2648 Snoop Dog, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1571 Soldier of Truth, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
1841 Song Brook, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
2531 Southern Charm, Viviana DeVita - 12/08/24
2145 Southern Comfort, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2598 Southside Timeless, Avery Rogowski - 10/13/24
2605 Spirit, Addyson Nodhturft - 11/16/24
1514 Sporting Chance, Christine Higgins-Barricella - 09/30/24
1877 Spring Loaded, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
1933 Spur of the Moment, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1682 SRW Silver Celebration, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1424 Steel Moon, Christine Higgins-Barricella - 09/30/24
2722 Stephanies Secret, Diane Danzo
2661 Sticky Situation, Birdie Rogowski - 10/13/24
1942 Summer Vacation, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1706 Summerfield Abracadabra, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2010 Supposedly Royal, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2667 Sven, Brad Whitmire - 10/13/24
1757 Sweet as Sugar, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
1295 Sweet Sensation, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1531 Tahitian Gold, Brad Whitmire - 10/13/24
2610 Take This, Betsy Scott
2128 Taladega Nights, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
2136 Teacher's Pet, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1745 Ted, Jamie Mohr - 09/17/24
2725 Tekepo BC, Brad Whitmire
2154 Ten Large, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2612 The Fly Guy, Reagan Ford - 10/13/24
1561 The Lucky One, Brad Whitmire - 10/13/24
2707 The One That Got Away, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1483 The Patriot, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2729 The Pusuit of Happiness, Brielle Antonelli
2278 There's An App For That
2720 There's an app for that, Calista Caban - 11/16/24
2517 Thrill Ride, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2490 Tilly, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
2649 Tiny Dancer, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
2664 To the Moon
2711 Toasted Marshmallow, Lauren Theobald
2601 Toasted Marshmellow, Kira Begle
2016 Tommy, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
2595 Top of the Morning, Bethany Zylstra
1416 Toy Soldier, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1493 Toy Soldier, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1951 Tuck Everlasting, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1456 Ultimate Risk, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2322 Untouchable, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
1653 Veronica's Closet, Bill Dencker - 01/03/25
2645 Vienna Waltz, Kristin M. Harris - 11/16/24
1397 Waffle House, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
1893 Wait and Sea, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2727 We Came To Entertain, Erin Hankins
2005 Webkinz, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1974 Wedding Enconter, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
1334 Wedgewood, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
2565 Whip Jet 41, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2196 White Oaks Mount Snowden, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1840 White Russian, Jen Bready
1647 Why Not, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1688 Willow Hill's 24 Karat, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
1293 Willow Hills Romeo, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
1326 Willowwood, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
1828 Wilson, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
2213 Wine Country, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1593 Wing Man, Susie Bagnato - 12/12/24
1321 Winston, Annette Mohr - 09/17/24
2704 Winswept, Danielle Moraski
1973 Winter, Sara Pezza - 11/16/24
2638 WMF Tinkerbell, Winnie Caban
2078 Woodlands Churchill, Viviana DeVita
1388 Woodstock, Debbie Norris - 09/30/24
1935 Worst Kept Secret, Kayleigh Maher - 09/16/24
2519 WRoyal Diamond PF, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
2370 Yacht Club, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1383 You've Got Mail, Jody Moraski - 09/17/24
1791 Zen, Danielle Moraski - 09/17/24
2675 Ziggurat, Bethany Zylstra - 09/30/24
1314 Zingatta, Christine Higgins-Barricella - 09/30/24
2159 Zuccherino


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